Monday, November 30, 2009



The stupid trackball of my BlackBerry decided to stop working. I bought a new one and today decided to change it (picture). Smooth operation. I turn it back on and realized its still not working. After some "googling" I found that its a hardware problem and hard to fix. Damn! My BlackBerry is not fully working, and now what?!?!

I'm addicted to my BlackBerry. I admit. Everyone says that admitting your addictions is the first step to a successful rehabilitation. So there we go, I admitted. Now I am into a forced abstinence. I start to feel it on the body. Feeling the chills, the sweats, the shivering like if I was on North Pole, the headaches, the fingers without action, no scrolling, no emails, etc all the signs of a badly controlled abstinence of my BlackBerry. I would be tempted to say I am desperate. I guess I will have to do other drugs now :)


Red door


... is so difficult to return to work after a 5-day break?
Struggling here...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Google Wave

Just got an invitation for google wave. What a great concept. Just started a couple waves with co-workers and other people to test. Real-time editing for documents among several people. Impressive.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Still recovering. Slowly. Temperatures have finally dropped. It is a chilly wind outside, as soon as it blows on the skin it feels that is cutting it. I would have to admit, it is cold. The sun is shining but not enough to warm-up. It is, however, a perfect day (and light) to go out and snap some pictures.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Just because I love diving...

Just realized that this post was not published as expected.
This video shows why diving is so amazing. The interaction with nature and sea life that you normally don't see and even know about it. Just outstanding. There are two goals that I still need to accomplish with diving and are somewhat shown in this video:
1 - Dive with a rebreather. Want to go deeper. Right now I normally stay around 150ft. The possibility of going deeper is just impressive. We are talking about 10hr dives with the re-breather;
2 - Dive with white sharks in South Africa. Open water dive - not cage dive. This one I hope to accomplish soon.

Once, and unexpectedly, I saw a couple sharks. My buddy and I were at approximately 125ft. We had to stay on the bottom longer and I ran out of oxygen. We ended up buddy breathing. They finally left and we surfaced. Was a very good experience I must admit, but somewhat scary.

Sixth Sense

Simply amazing

Um sorriso...

... neste dia fisicamente complicado e em recuperacao de uma noite fora do comum, houve algo que me fez sorrir. Descobri, por mero acaso, que vou no mesmo voo, de regresso a Lisboa, que uma blogger com quem tenho trocado alguns emails. A vida tem interessantes coincidencias...

Peru... ou nao

Ainda a recuperar de uma noite de loucos... Thanksgiving com Ham (nao turkey) que estava uma delicia... excesso de alcool, cigarros e afins. Pessoas a entrarem e a sair do meu loft sem que eu soubesse muito bem de onde vinham e quem eram. Os vizinhos do predio em frente a fazerem-se convidados e a trazer mais delicioso vinho. Enfim. Hoje acordei e pensei que uma breve revolucao tinha acontecido aqui. Acho que vou sentar-me no sofa e esperar que um milagre aconteca para limpar o loft...

Sunday, November 22, 2009



Sunday, November 1, 2009

Paddling sunset



underwater experience

Definitely not my best picture :) Still learning underwater photography, but always an amazing experience. Just one of the amazing stingrays. I also dove with turtles. Was pretty awesome to be at 30m (100ft) and suddenly see a turtle just next to me. I followed her for about 5 minutes (was running out of air!). Only downside was that I did not have film on my camera :o